The Tchibo company was founded in 1949 by Max Herz and Carl Tchiling Hiryan. It started as a simple coffee mail-order service, which itself was a revolutionary idea back then. Tchibo has become a successful international company thanks to its business talent, constant innovations and the ability to see opportunities on the market. It is one of the largest coffee producers worldwide and one of the world’s most successful retail chains at the same time. Tchibo’s success lies in its unique concept, its business strategy and innovations. And, of course, in its popularity with customers which is the result of Tchibo’s emphasis on quality and great customer care. Tchibo entered the Czech market in 1991 and in the first 10 years it managed to become No. 1 in roasted bean coffee business. Today, you can find 38 Tchibo stores in the Czech Republic and 13 in Slovakia. You can also find Tchibo products within large supermarkets due to the special shop-in- shop concept and since 2008 Tchibo has been running its very own e-shop. Despite all of this, it remains to be a family business headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.

We are an honest, normal company

The word normal has a positive character in our company
By that, we mean we are a company made up by people. We think pragmatically, we apply our common sense and we don’t pretend to be someone we’re not. In Tchibo, you won’t find any extremes or the latest fads, there’s no unnecessary opulence or bragging about our success.
What you’ll find here is a pleasant ordinariness which we treasure as an oasis in today’s modern world. One of Tchibo’s paradoxes is that our ordinariness makes us extraordinary. Keep reading and you’ll see that in Tchibo, plenty of things are different from what they seem to be. Tchibo is a traditional brand that has worked hard for its success. And the company’s success is built by its people – starting with Max Herz and Carl Tchiling Hiryan and ending with all the shop assistants in our stores. There’s always people behind each success.

Confidence in the family
Confidence takes up first place at Tchibo. We share information, trust each other and do not hesitate to ask one another for help. We don’t check against each other, and on top of that, we often discuss personal and family stuff during our meetings and dedicate only the last ten minutes to work related talks. Friendship is a necessary part of Tchibo’s company culture. Everyone here respects personal matters and we get along very well. For many employees Tchibo means their second family. Some people have been working here longer than they have been with their wife and they don’t find it strange. On the contrary. They still enjoy their job.
For better life
We all have coffee associated with peace of mind and moments spent with friends and family. Apart from coffee, you can find other products at Tchibo that will make your home feel more comfortable. Things for your bathroom, living room, kitchen or even high quality clothes. Everyone at Tchibo is well aware of this and we feel pleased to work for a company that makes people’s lives more pleasant. After all, life is about little things that make you happy, about coffee, tea, friends and nice surroundings. Even our stores are designed this way. Our goal is to make our customers feel good in them. And we do feel good there.
We are Tchibo
Tchibo’s employees know what the goal of the company is and how their work helps to achieve it. People are in the centre of everything – be it customers or our colleagues. Relationships are our responsibility. That is why we create conditions for openness, friendship, informal atmosphere, honesty, happiness and, last but not least, pride in the Tchibo brand. A smile on our customer’s face is as important as the smile of our employee because it is them who make Tchibo the place it is – both the customer and our employee in the shop who can impress so much that the customer wants to return again and again.
Quality is an essential principle
If we were to highlight one basic value for Tchibo, it would be quality. The emphasis on quality can be seen in all we do. There is no powdered milk in the capsules for our coffee machines, because powdered milk in coffee simply does not meet our quality requirements. We pay attention to quality in all dimensions, all processes, and in everything we do. We are demanding and we want to sell the best to our customers.
Cool people, the management is great. I can talk to anyone here, call my boss or the Human Resources, they always help me and I don’t feel superiority in any way.

Digital retail
We manage to be among the very best in innovations and to keep up with the latest trends. If you want to see how we’re doing, come to see our shop in Zličín. You’ll find our concept store there. That’s where we test all of our new ideas and digital novelties. Customers order their coffee via touch screen. Others use a different screen in our changing rooms on which you can see what sizes and colors of the items you’ve just brought to try on we have available in the store. Visit our e-shop or place an order via the tablets right in our shop and we will deliver the goods to the Tchibo store that is most convenient for you. If you realize you made a mistake in your order, no problem – you have 30 days to return or
Honest business
Tchibo was founded in Hamburg, the birthplace of traditional trade. Tchibo is a traditional trade company based on meaningfulness of its products. Offering coffee services was a logical step after selling coffee. Over time, more products based on customers demand were added. Nowadays, you can find 52 collections of non-food assortment which we design ourselves. You can purchase a vacation or a piece of furniture. The spirit of a fair “Hanseatic” business is still present at Tchibo today.

Towards self-development

We have the opportunity to take advantage of an extensive self-education program
On all levels of the company structure. It is up to each of us to what extent we use it and which direction we decide to go. For our colleagues in shops we offer an educational system which helps them to improve their sales skills, team-work and receiving feedback from customers. If you want to develop, we have prepared a map and tools to help you reach your dream position. Our motto is “Fend for yourself”. Without the initiative coming primarily from you there would be hardly any development. We don’t tell people what to do, we help them when they want us to.

Base for a change
Even our older employees are still young at heart. Tchibo’s spirit is youthful. There is liveliness, playfulness and lots of fun. Even though we work really hard at Tchibo, we don’t forget that work should also be enjoyable. There are probably a few people working here only to get a paycheck, but for most of us it is a fulfilling job. Tchibo is a progressive company even though it might not seem like it at first glance – after all, coffee is traditional commodity. Since the first business concept, when the Tchibo founders decided to deliver coffee to their customers by mail, Tchibo has been a revolutionary company which only proves that innovation is part of Tchibo DNA.
I don’t feel the need to change my job. I’m proud of being part of Tchibo. I always look forward to seeing my colleagues – we talk about what happened and how we are doing. It’s lovely here.
Always young Tchibo
Changes are the essence of Tchibo. That’s another paradox. You can come here for years but thanks to the business concept we have and all the novelties we implement, you never get bored. 52 collections every single year, e-shop, an app. Change is typical and natural for Tchibo. In addition, you can count on the comfort of a successful multinational company, well-established brand, top quality products and effective management. In Tchibo, no year is the same and this can be also confirmed by our colleagues who have been working here for 10 years and more.

We are tough on ourselves
Since the first job interview you will realize not everyone can work for us. It is important that our new coworkers have the same values and understand the meaning of Tchibo’s existence. We look for fair and open-minded colleagues who care about the brand, not the position. We ourselves are very hard workers and that’s why only people who are not afraid of real work can succeed in Tchibo. There is no place to hide in this company. Working in our shops is not an easy job, but we can promise you that you will work with people whom we carefully selected and that you will always have the management’s support. Nobody is perfect, and if we make a mistake we admit it and this gives you the space to make us aware of the mistake. That is another promise we make.
believe I can imagine another ten years working for Tchibo. You don’t do the same work over and over again. There are quite a lot of new things and changes all the time, so my 24 years at Tchibo flew by really fast. I wouldn’t even say it’s been that long!
Acquired values

Our values are not defined anywhere
We don’t print them in our promotional materials or put on notice boards in the halls and meeting rooms. We are convinced that values are innate to everyone – only in Tchibo they come to life in more vivid countours. We are open, correct, fair and considerate among ourselves but also to our customers and the environment. Apart from that, we can also be innovative and flexible. And our employees are here because they enjoy working for Tchibo – the shops included!
The art of rewarding
Tchibo respects its employees. You can have a good product but without the right people who can sell it and help the company to grow the product itself is useless. Our bonus system is tailor made in a way that everyone can actually reach their bonus. If we don’t meet the monthly results but are able to reach the quarterly plan, we get the bonus. The most profitable shops are usually rewarded with a relaxing trip somewhere. The way employees feel is crucial. You can confide in your employer and be sure Tchibo will listen to you. The bonus system is set to motivate, not to just write about it in job ads. Tchibo knows how to reward its employees and thank them for the job well done.

Naši centrálu najdete na Praze 4, v BB Centru na Brumlovce. Sídlíme ve dvou patrech úplně normální kancelářské budovy. V byznys areálu, kde se budova nachází, najdete skvělou vybavenost. Na salát můžete hned za roh a po práci si zaplavat v bazénu fitness centra Brumlovka.
An unconventional German company
German companies are said to gradually organize their employees into creatures without individuality dominated by organization processes. It’s not the case in Tchibo. Tchibo is a family business and family is still active in the company’s management and resistant to pressure from the shareholders. Also, it’s thanks to the kind of management we have. In Tchibo you develop your skills and competence and do what you can do best. It is desirable that you work on your strengths. You will get a support throughout the company and can live well and work without the uncomfortable stress to meet someone’s expectations. At Tchibo, the only person you have to prove something to, is yourself.

We get the job done in a fair and diligent way as if it were our company. We really feel connected with the firm. There is no other way at Tchibo. People with no sense of belonging to the company won’t feel good in here..
Ohleduplnost k lidem i přírodě
Uvědomujeme si odpovědnost za svět, ve kterém žijeme dnes a budeme žít i zítra. Odpovědné chování vůči lidem i vůči životnímu prostředí je součástí všech našich aktivit - od pěstování surovin pro naše produkty, přes výrobu, logistiku, servis pro zákazníky, recyklaci až po vytváření férových pracovních podmínek pro farmáře, lidi v továrnách a samotné naše zaměstnance.
Na našich kávových barech servírujeme fairtradovou kávu. Katalogy tiskneme výhradně na certifikovaný papír pocházející z odpovědně obhospodařovaných lesů, stejně tak jako veškeré obaly použité při expedici zboží k zákazníkům. Jsme aktivní v místech původu našich produktů, kterými jsou kávy, bavlny a dřeva. Zapojujeme se do činnosti mnoha lokálních komunit a realizujeme řadu projektů, stejně tak i v České republice. Lidi chceme především vzdělávat, proto se řídíme heslem „Nedáváme ryby darem, ale učíme, jak ryby chytat.“
Našim záměrem není o našich aktivitách a dobrovolnictví mluvit, ale konat a rychle reagovat na situace tam, kde je to potřeba. Jsme hrdí na to, čeho jsme dosáhli a zároveň si uvědomujeme, kolik toho ještě musíme udělat. V našem úsilí nepolevujeme. Naším cílem je totiž 100% udržitelné podnikání.

Tchibo has fairtrade products and is active in environment improvement. I was interested in this and made an inquiry at headquarters asking if somebody really checks the products and suppliers and if I can be sure there is no child labour involved, etc. At the headquarters, they didn’t sweep my question under the carpet and I received all of the information.

Momentálne nie sú otvorené žiadne pracovné príležitosti