HH Global Czechia

HH Global Czechia

HH GLOBAL Czechia is a global company cooperating with the world's most famous brands such as NIKE, VANS, STARBUCKS, PATAGONIA, DYSON, CALVIN KLEIN and others. They help them turn big ideas into big impact —delivering tech-enabled creative production and procurement that is seen, heard and felt around the world. The Prague office of HH Global is known worldwide for designing, producing and furnishing branded stores that combine great design with modern and unique technology. On every continent you will find stores designed and equipped by HH GLOBAL teams. Leading global brands trust HH GLOBAL and its people to bring their concepts to life, mainly because of their ability to deliver results beyond their expectations. They are also the global leader in making marketing more sustainable.

Ponuka príležítostí

Firma, která vždy překvapí

A company full of surprises

EYELEVEL was founded by Tomáš Bača and Filip Žák. Today, we are a global company with influence all over the world. Despite that, we keep our Czech traditions – that will always be our trait. It doesn’t matter if our company has 50 or 350 employees – as long as we are able to surprise our clients with great ideas, quality and originality, we can consider ourselves successful.

To date, we have worked with the most respected brands in the world such as NIKE, VANS, STARBUCKS, ADIDAS and others. For them we design original store concepts, we use the most modern and ecological materials. 

We roll out these concepts, once they are designed and agreed on, to all continents and into the whole world. We are interested in being able to inspire not only originality, design and functionality, but also a change in philosophy towards sustainability.


Lifestyle "EYELEVEL"

EYELEVEL will get under your skin, become your lifestyle. Everywhere you go, you will always look for the shops our company designed and produced. You will dress according to the brand you work for. The team you work for will become your second family.

We want you to live an EYELEVEL life, and that is why we create an environment comfortable for living. Our workplace is equipped with the best gym (look forward to circuit training, yoga and bootcamp) and library. You will be working with the best technology, mostly with the Apple products. We are a company that pushes its limits to the extreme and renders unlimited opportunities.

Cílíme vždy na perfektní výsledek


The result we care about is the one delivered to our clients, not individual results and managers’ aims. Our aim is to provide our customers with the best services that will surpass all their expectations. And we aspire to be the best in the world.

To succeed we try to understand our clients, we pursue their businesses and come up with ideas designed to support and develop these businesses. We always keep up with the up-to-date trends, we use only the best of the modern technologies and take care of our people – it is our very destination to make cooperation with us into an unforgettable experience.

We are oriented at the ultimate satisfaction of our clients – that creates our achievements and is thus the most important aspect of our work.

          Slaven Elčić


          Business Director
Slaven Elčić
Business Director

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          František Slepánek


          Account Director Multibrand
František Slepánek
Account Director Multibrand

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          Jana Toškovič


          Account Director Dyson
Jana Toškovič
Account Director Dyson

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Neustále se posouváme

          Ilja Zorin


          EMEA Operations Director
Ilja Zorin
EMEA Operations Director

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Inovace a udržitelnost

Innovation and Sustainability

We change the way our clients think. We are a respected player working for global brands which we would like to inspire in using new ways of material and logistic processing so that their business burdens the environment as little as possible. We suggest the use of decomposable materials and build whole chains of suppliers in such a way so that we leave as little a carbon imprint as possible. We want to be a progressive company both successful in what it does and promoting environment-friendly style while pointing out the importance of sustainable entrepreneurship. EYELEVEL is a member of “Natural Step” network – it is an organization whose work is to minimize the impact of companies and their business on the environment. We use low-power lighting wherever possible, we avoid PVC-based materials for accessories or packaging. Our environmental policy is part of all aspects of our activities but it plays the greatest role in logistics and waste policy. Doing your business with respect to your surroundings is the only way to keep it functional in the future.

Tým jako konkurenční výhoda

Vždycky jsme byli postaveni kolem týmů, které obsluhovaly klienty a řešily si vše od A do Z. Dnes připravujeme firmu na dvouciferný růst, a tak jsme se rozhodli, že vytvoříme produkční HUB, který bude obsahovat čtyři clustery - vývoj, engineering, výrobu a supply chain. Naším cílem je udělat z týmu, který dnes má přes 40 profíků, naši konkurenční výhodu. Je to změna hry a to my umíme. Je to nový a čerstvý tým, kde se snoubí zlaté české ruce s inovativním pojetím spolupráce s dodavateli a důrazem na udržitelnost a efektivitu celého výrobního řetězce, Jsme připraveni škálovat, jako jsme to neudělali nikdy před tím. Rychlost, kvalita, inovativní pohled na vše, co v HH Global děláme, je zárukou, že se nám to povede. 



We have grown and moved to a new office building in Prague 6, one minute from the metro station Veleslavin. We have 3 floors of modern furnished offices, which we have arranged and equipped ourselves. We designed the work environment to reflect our character - emphasis on renewable materials, plenty of meeting places, as well as peace of mind for focused work. And the terrace with the bar, you must not miss.

          Patrik Pejsar


          BD Director & Design Innovation Coach
Patrik Pejsar
BD Director & Design Innovation Coach

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          Martin Hynek


          Account Director Coffee Brands
Martin Hynek
Account Director Coffee Brands

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Selský rozum

Thinking with our heads

Everything we do is thought through and logical. We focus on perfect design, meticulous project management, great realizations, and overall quality; anything other than perfect will be worked on by our long-term partners.

We think in a simple fashion and use common sense. That is the only way that ensures we can put all our energy into the cooperation with our customers. 


Z malé české firmy jsme dosáhli mezinárodního uznání. Dnes jsme součástí silné skupiny HH Global, která definuje standardy odvětví. Jedinou konstantou je změna a naší nejsilnější stránkou je adaptabilita a umění vytěžit ze změn příležitosti. Co platilo ráno, může být odpoledne jinak. Reagujeme pružně a rychlá reakce na změny je součástí naší každodenní práce. Nikdy neslevujeme z týmovosti, nikdy neslevujeme z touhy odevzdat nejlepší možný výsledek. Jestli chceš být součástí HH Global, musíš přijmout rychlou týmovou hru a mít ambici jít za hranici očekávání. 

Love our clients

Zákazníci jsou důvodem naší existence. Chceme je vždy překvapit.

Feel empowered and be accountable

Osobní odpovědnost je v základní výbavě každého z nás.

Pursue excellence relentlessly

Každý chceme být lepší než včera.

Act with integrity and trust

Jsme týmoví hráči. Důvěřujeme si a jednáme na rovinu.

Innovate and take the lead

Jsme na špičce díky inovacím a out of the box myšlení.

Have passion and pride

Pracujeme s vášní a jsme hrdí na výsledek.

Upřímnost a otevřenost

Honesty and open-mindedness

We are an open cultural space. Communication is the key to feeling comfortable at EYELEVEL. Unless we share everything, we threaten the results of the whole team. Information sharing, the right to disagree, come up with a new idea and stand one’s ground – those are EYELEVEL’s mantras. Feedback is a must at every level. If you don’t like something, you tell others – be it your colleague or your boss. It prevents us from getting into trouble in the future.

When looking for new colleagues, it is their honesty and ways of communication we focus on. We need to share our trust, that’s how we get our clients to trust us.

          Jan Kubec


          Account Director CK
Jan Kubec
Account Director CK

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          Jana Slepánková


          Manager of Communication & Office
Jana Slepánková
Manager of Communication & Office

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Z Prahy do celého světa

From Nupaky to the world

From our headquarters in Nupaky – Prague East, we attend to our customers all over the world from Australia through Europe to the United States. The majority of our production is made for Czechs where our competition says “No.”, we say “Yes!” – because we know our people can do it.

We often hear from our clients that “EYELEVEL is the best.” It is because we surpass their idea of high quality, we push the limits of the notion. We actively come up with complex solutions tailored to our clients’ needs before they even request it. We always think of the context of global market.

Meeting v našem Distribution centru
Meeting v našem Distribution centru
Grilovačka následuje
Grilovačka následuje
Ilja Superhero
Ilja Superhero

          Martin Kozák


          DC Manager
Martin Kozák
DC Manager

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Zákazník je VIP člen týmu

A client is a VIP team member

To make sure we provide the best services to our clients, we need to be all in the same boat. A customer is not separated from us; they are a part of everything. We communicate with them on a daily basis, in a friendly and open way just like with each other. We search for the best solutions and agree on the final concepts.

          Michal Glacner


          Client Engagement Director
Michal Glacner
Client Engagement Director

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Uč se a pracuj na sobě

Learn and work on yourself

We say that at EYELEVEL, we celebrate our failures rather than successes. Why you ask? It is easy – every problem we can solve moves and develops us further. We take and give feedback and learn from our own mistakes. This way we can solve even difficult situations repeatedly and with wit. Development and progress always take place beyond our comfort, but we are not afraid. You could say it is our everyday reality.

It is natural that we celebrate our successes as well; they make us happy and satisfied just like everyone else.

Na prokrastinaci není čas

No time to procrastinate

At EYELEVEL, you will find only the people that are truly and fully busy. We prefer a great deal of work rather than a small amount – and at EYELEVEL that wish is sometimes granted maybe a bit too much. Time flies in your company. The job is sometimes difficult, but we always know it is worth it because it makes sense.

We are surrounded with colleagues who do their jobs at 100 %, and that is inspiring and encouraging. We do not fear work, we are not afraid of challenge and doing everything at full throttle. The greatest things are hard to achieve, and we do great things.

Hodně práce, Hodně inspirace

A lot of work, a lot of inspiration

We can’t really rest during the year. Concept after concept, campaign after campaign – that is how it goes at EYELEVEL. Once one project is finished, another one is starting. Every day we learn new things and get inspired by our clients. Cooperation with brands such as VANS or NORTH FACE and being a part of their success is amazing. To work for EYELEVEL is a unique and incomparable experience.

Budoucnost nabízí neomezené možnosti

The future provides unlimited opportunities

Within a year, EYELEVEL doubled in its size! Within the next year, we plan to even further develop. People realize that those days are gone when everyone knew everyone by name; but EYELEVEL has the advantage of having great teams and great employees creating a relaxed and familiar atmosphere. The team micro-cultures are connected to pursue a common vision. Everyone agrees that being a part of EYELEVEL is the best they could hope for. Being a part of EYELEVEL is an opportunity to enjoy business in its most sensible form.

We love it
We love it

Momentálne nie sú otvorené žiadne pracovné príležitosti