Klepierre Management
Klepierre is a French company that owns and manages 70 leading shopping centres in 10 countries, which are visited by more than 1.1 billion customers a year. In Czechia, OC Nový Smíchov and OC Plzeň Plaza are part of the company’s portfolio. From a global perspective, the Czech branch is merely a tiny dot on a map. However, the local Prague team simultaneously manages the fifth most successful shopping centre in the Klepierre group. Klepierre belongs among innovative players and market leaders. Running successful shopping centres is a prominent part of the company’s vision, improving the quality of these places and thus improving the experience of clients – sellers and individual visitors alike – is their primary goal. Apart from that, the company focuses on reducing its ecological footprint and has local communities and the social impacts of their work in mind.

What is exciting about our job is trying to design the possible future of shopping centres. We work in a dynamic environment and are happy to say Klepierre has fully committed to the present and future. We come up with new trends and implement them quickly in various countries, Czechia included. The core of our business is no longer just about shopping centres and the shops inside as the habits of customers and buyers are changing with time. Each generation has its own specific preferences, and we try to adapt to the newest trends. We appreciate employing young people as they help us keep in touch with the youngest generation. Despite living in a digital age, we believe that physical contact is irreplaceable, and we want to provide our customers with a pleasant place to not only go shopping but to meet and spend quality time together over a good meal.
We form the future of shopping galleries

Our great HR team organizes many employee events. We meet and go jogging or testing our new e-bikes—the company even decided to co-finance them. You can always talk about what worries you, and there’s a place for that. We don’t sweep anything under the rug. Our team is small, and understandably, we want the vibe and the people in it to work smoothly.

Your voice, opinion and commentary all count
Our structure is relatively horizontal. We don’t have to employ many assistants; if we do, we give them the same authority and voice as the managers. Thanks to that, people are close to top management abroad. For example, it can happen that as a junior, you will end up making a presentation for the whole management. Don’t be afraid to voice your ideas. If you have an idea about how to move a project forward, take the floor and do it. If you don’t like something, don‘t be scared and say it out loud, even if it contradicts your superior’s opinion. In Klepierre, all voices are equal. We have genuine respect to authorities, and we value our seniors. However, the most important thing is that respect always goes both ways.

Creativity and modern approach

Innovation is our competitive advantage
In today’s fast-going world, data and information make a difference. Our people need access to the best tools to do the best job in the most modern way. We also want to support innovation and new ideas. To be at the top, you need more than Excel tables. Technology offers an excellent opportunity to work more effectively and precisely. We develop our systems for managing our portfolio and collaborating between various countries, which enables us to work more quickly and effectively with multinational corporations and access all data with one click. Digitalization is also one of the themes of Klepierre university – if you want to play the first league, you need to invest in everyday-work tools.
A small team with a great deal of responsibility
We work most of the time intensively. Everyone knows what they should be doing and often do things extra. Open-minded and communicative people will fit in the best. Those not afraid to address the boss and let others know what is happening. Sometimes work comes unexpectedly, and we are in over our heads. It’s great when you can count on a helping hand, be it a colleague who offers to go and buy you lunch when you have too much to do. You can always go and consult with your colleagues or get encouragement and motivation. We tell each other honestly when we don’t like something or if there is any problem. You couldn’t do that if you wanted it, there was no rug to sweep under. You can’t hide anything in such a small team.

Quality time at work
Many of us have a family and rush home to the kids after work instead of getting a beer with colleagues. It is hard to find a partner for a drink, so we appreciate those moments when we can talk for a bit. Fortunately, we have a fantastic HR team. Mirka always tries to create activities we could share, be it office breakfast or our annual charity volleyball tournament. We are not very good at playing. Sometimes we think we might use a tall sportsperson, but the main thing is we enjoy it. We started to meditate together to be more balanced. We are not a company where we play board games every Monday. Still, we like spending quality time together inside and outside the offices.

Our common values
We know how to appreciate our own and others' work and achievements. We know how to praise and thank each other. We can celebrate our successes together.RESPECT
We respect individuality, differences of character and different opinions. We respect the time of others and value the work of all colleagues.
We have a common goal and we recognize that our success depends on working together. We can work together to achieve success, we can support each other and face new challenges.WE TRUST EACH OTHER
We believe in success. We have confidence. We communicate openly and believe in our work and the work of our colleagues.
We are constantly working on ourselves, following new trends and educating ourselves. We look for new solutions, innovate through collaboration and want to stay one step ahead.

Klepierre is the leader in the French market, implementing innovations and setting new trends. Working here means being the source of all the new things happening in the world. The company tries to implement recent trends quickly country over the country, so we often get to work on France-originated projects.

I appreciate the honesty. If someone doesn’t like something, they say so. We talk about the ways it could be done. Differently, we are honest. You can rely on people here. You know they will deliver excellent results for all deadlines.
Not only is our portfolio full of diverse brands and shops, which you can find out about, but we also provide space for start-ups and exciting projects and cooperate with non-profits whenever possible. Thanks to that, we can see all the new trends in gastronomy, fashion, and among local farmers. Some of our customers‘ passion and drive are inspiring. The multi-instrumentalist is very valued in Klepierre. If you enjoy doing a bit of everything and, apart from your field, you try to gain knowledge in other areas, our door is open for you. You’ll get the chance to discover what you like and want to cultivate further. All you need to do is come and talk to us about it. Our team is small. Our communication is quick and straightforward.

We are
A French company
Part of a large group
We send regular reports to France. Big decisions are up to the headquarters. Klepierre is a large corporation, which can be discouraging to some. We do work within certain borders, but we focus on the positives. We are a stable company capable of providing exciting challenges, a quality work environment and first-class employee care. We share best practices from successful projects, potential risks, and advice from various experiences. Klepierre’s Know-how is an excellent source of inspiration and, also, feelings of joy when we share our Czech achievements. We are in close contact with France. We consult many things, review our options, and cooperate to create solutions. Our great advantage is the opportunity to travel. We go to Paris for trainings, which is always an opportunity to meet our colleagues from different countries and to brush up one’s French. Some of us work here because we enjoy French culture so much.

We develop each other
Learning from each other has always been the best way for us. Sharing experiences in a way that adds value for both parties is not always easy. We all know it, we arrange a coffee with a colleague and instead of sharing know-how, the conversation slides to sharing holiday experiences or solving current projects. There's nothing wrong with that, of course. However, we wanted to support our people to grow even more and knew we needed to formalise this in some way. For us, that way was to train a group of internal mentors. We currently have 6 of them in the team, each with their own topics that colleagues can turn to them with, whether it's management skills or, for example, Míša can give us old matadors advice on how to deal with social networks.
We support a better future
Act for Good is a global initiative of our company to improve the environment, local suppliers, and employment and to help those in need. Nowadays, this initiative is one of the most distinctive strategic company plans. It is present in all activities throughout all countries, ranging from marketing through technical business solutions to the choice of suppliers. We work on reducing the environmental impact of our shopping centres. We cooperate with partners who share the same ecological and community approach. We work together with non-profits, and we take part in organizing several charity events.
Reducing our energy burden is included in our goals. It is something that makes sense to us, and it brings actual results. For the people in our team, these activities are more than mere PR of the company – they are activities we enjoy doing, and we also enjoy taking part in their realization. The last event we organized was Charity Banking in our administrative building. We baked sweets and prepared breakfast for other company employees and us. We did a good thing and inspired others. It was a pleasant opportunity to enjoy some time together.

Ensure that Klepierre and its malls have a positive impact on the environment.
Ensure that Klepierre and its malls have a positive impact on the environment.
Put women and men at the heart of all our actions to create better value for all.
Our energy-saving goals are pretty ambitious. I thought it was impossible when I first saw it. We haven’t given up, looked for projects, and are slowly approaching the final result. Challenges sometimes appear when our hands are already full, but, in the end, that is what drives us further on.

Most of us work from our offices in the Smíchov Gate building close to the Nový Smíchov Shopping Centre. All our shopping centres have headquarters where you can meet the rest of our team.

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